5 Things that are the best for skin care


In this article, I will share with you five things that are hands-down the best when it comes to skin care. These are so effective that for most of them, you will be amazed by the results in just one use, and over time, their effect is unmatched. It's just a bonus that they are easily available at an extremely low cost, but don't mistake them for cheap. We will keep this article simple and practical. Hello Friends! Welcome to growmorecraze.

Today’s celebrities might be selling face masks, creams, serums, and whatnot. But what they actually use is completely different. They leave with a hefty paycheck, while we consumers are left with overpriced, ineffective products that even have damaging chemicals in them. So to resolve this problem, today I want to share with you five time-tested things that are super effective, practical to use, and can be bought at a fraction of the price. 

5. Multani Mitti:

Multani mitti, also known as Fuller’s earth, due to its astringent property, effectively removes excess oil, dirt, and pollutants from the skin pores, which is why it has been used as a natural face wash for ages. Simply keep multani mitti in your bathroom. Whenever you wish to wash your face, take a spoon of it and mix water in it. Now apply it to your face just as you would apply any other face wash. Then wash off with running tap water. Instantly, you will feel your skin clean and fresh. At Rs 20 for 100 grams, multani mitti is five times cheaper than the cheapest face wash in the market. Some people question that there is no foam formed in multani mitti, so how will it clean the skin? That’s where its muddy properties play a part. Mud baths are getting more popular as they draw impurities from the skin and exfoliate dead skin cells. That’s exactly what multani mitti does to your face. Even celebrities swear by its effectiveness. In fact, today, many multani mitti-based face washes are coming up. But a good face wash always repairs the skin and never damages it. That's why you should trust the OG. Multani mitti is also naturally cooling. You can feel it just as you apply it. So if you have skin that is prone to sunburn, redness and rashes, you should start using multani mitti. After using multani mitti, you will notice your skin getting tighter. Multani Mitti works best for oily acne-prone skin, but since we are not using it as a face mask but just as a face wash, it can be used on all skin types. Multani mitti is easily available at any grocery shop in the form of powder or stone. To get it at the cheapest price, buy it offline. 

4. Phitkari:

Phitkari, or alum, is a naturally occurring stone that is no less than a blessing for your skin. It has many uses, but practically speaking, one should start using phitkari for at least two things. First as a deodorant, and second as an aftershave. Nowadays, ads have influenced us so much that we feel that by spraying this gas on our bodies, we will attract the opposite sex. Well, chances are that we will attract more skin problems. Plus, it can be a punishment for the person next to you. Today, there is enough data to show that spraying DOES leads to darkening of the underarms, skin rashes, headaches, and even respiratory problems. These DOES work by either blocking the sweat glands or by masking the bad odor with an artificial scent. Both are unhealthy for your skin. On the other hand, if you simply rub wet phitkari on your skin, it creates a layer of salt on the skin, which stops any bacteria from forming, so no smell comes. Once bought, this 10 rupee phitkari will serve you for years. Then we all saw a barber rubbing a stone on the face after shaving. It is an alum stone. Actually, alum stone is a natural coagulant, which is why when we rub it after shaving, it constricts the blood vessels and tighens the pores, which is why bleeding stops and minor cuts get repaired. Why spend lakhs of rupees on these alcohol-based aftershaves that strip the skin of essential oils, making it dull? Phitkari, on the other hand, increases skin glow. Rub wet Fitkari on your face for a minute, and you can notice your skin getting tight. So chuck these frivolous products and choose the best.

3. Almond oil:

Almond oil has three things that would be on any dermatologist's prescription. First is Retinol. Today, retinol-based face serums have taken the market by storm. But it's not a new-age thing. We are just spending more on it now. If you see, our ancestors have always used a retinol-based face serum because almond oil is one of the best natural sources of it. What retinol does is stimulate the production of new skin cells and smooth fine lines. Second, almond oil has vitamin E. In fact, it's the richest natural source of vitamin E. Every skin enthusiast is after vitamin E. And why not? Vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants that helps prevent cell damage and ultraviolet skin damage due to the sun.  Third, almond oil has collagen boosters.(05:56) It has zinc, which increases collagen production. Collagen maintains skin elasticity and prevents premature aging. In fact, almond oil is so effective that there was a study conducted on 141 women, whose conclusion was that every pregnant woman should regularly massage almond oil as it reduced stretch marks by 20%. Having used it myself, I think almond oil is one of the best natural moisturizers for your skin. Every morning after taking a bath, I take a little almond oil on my palms, rub it well, and then massage it onto my face. Since its light weight, it gets absorbed easily and doesn’t give a greasy feeling like you would expect from an oil. Some people shy away from using oil on their faces. Its just the effect of the skin  care industry, which has badmouthed about oils. I mean, if we start using an oil to moisturize the face, who will buy their creams? But we should know that every cream and every serum on the market has oil as its base. Even if you have oily skin, you can use almond oil as a moisturizer. (Just keep the quantity low.) The benefits of using face oil have been well elaborated in Ayurvedic scriptures. Sweet almond oil is something that is practically available at every chemist shop. Price-wise, 100 ml of it will cost you Rs 200. Way cheaper than any face serum on the market. Start using it; your skin will be glad you took this decision.  

2. Neem Leaves:

Neem Leaves They say, “What’s going on on the inside shows on the outside. And this is so true for your skin. Any problem of the skin, be it itching, acne, or pigmentation, the root cause lies in your blood. When, due to the combination of an unhealthy lifestyle and a polluted environment, blood gets impure, skin problems begin to arise. And that’s exactly why Neem leaves are such a game changer. Chew 4-5 neem leaves, and it will act as a natural blood purifier. The bitterness and astringent quality of neem will eat away the toxins in your blood; it will get pure. Once the blood is pure, dark spots cannot stay, pimples cannot pop out, and the skin will begin to genuinely glow. Today, modern studies have proven that neem is medicine if you have the problem of acne. In fact, neem leaves are so effective that if you check any blood purifier on the market, one of its ingredients would surely be neem. With over 140 active compounds in it, neem is almost everything.  Many famous skin care products are marketed under the name of Neem. Ayurvedic texts consider neem to be one of the most effective herbs for deep and detoxifying action. No wonder our ancestors made sure that neem trees were planted throughout the country. Walk a few steps from your place of residence, and you are most likely to find a neem tree. Pluck 4-5 fresh leaves and chew them. Even if you do this once a week, it will greatly help your skin. There are even testimonials to back this up. Turn to neem, and your skin will turn toward a glow. Just in case you are not able to get neem leaves, you can buy neem juice or neem powder. 

1. Besan:

Besan, which is nothing but powdered chana dal, is a skin care ingredient that needs no introduction. At first glance, one may feel something like this: But truly, Besan is like a one-stop destination for skin. If you want to detan your skin and bring your original skin tone back, use besan. In a bowl, put besan, a little turmeric, and curd. Mix well and apply it to your face, gently rubbing it all over. Turmeric not only masks the smell of besan but provides its own benefits as well. Curd acts as a moisturizer and makes the overall mask suitable for all skin types. Once applied, keep it on for at least 10 minutes. Why buy those 100-rs sheet masks when you can get a better glow with this 10-rs mask? Plus, those commercial face masks have more chemicals than real ingredients in them. If you want to lighten your skin tone, nothing comes to besan. Then, using your fingers, scrub it out. Not many know that besan is a natural scrubber as well. When you scrub your face, it removes dead and damaged skin cells and allows the skin to rejuvenate. Dark patches and scars thereby become lighter in shade. Then wash off using running tap water. You may experience some redness on the face. Don’t worry, that’s not just temporary, but proof that it is working. Even if you apply this mask once a week, its effect will keep your skin nourished. Although, for detaning, I recommend that you use it continuously for 4-5 days. You can apply it in the morning. Then do other things, and finally wash it off while bathing. This is a classical ubtan, and one can use it as a body wash as well. Where a commercial body wash strips off essential body oils, this one will remove the dead skin cells, keeping the skin oils intact. In fact, if you start using this ubtan, you will hardly need a body lotion. 

Multani mitti is a natural face wash. Phitkari as a deodorant and after a shave. Almond oil is used as a serum and moisturizer. Neem leaves are blood purifiers. Besan is used as a detan face mask, scrubber, and body wash. In just 250 rupees, your whole skin kit is ready. Our skin is like a second mouth. Whatever you apply to it seeps through the pores into the blood stream. So why not turn to nature? It's easy, it's economical, and most importantly, it's effective.

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